It's time for the monthly check in! Since not all of us will actually have updates every month (Connor), we've decided to combine all our updates into one joint post. First off, we have officially decided to go in June of 2016 instead of December so we don't kill ourselves! Yay! As mentioned earlier, we also got a third person, Steph's childhood friend Elena. We also recently spent about a week really ironing out our itinerary. We have all the stops we plan on making, how long it is to drive to each place, what we plan on doing and where we plan on camping out for the night. This also gave us a better idea of how much money it will really cost with all the activities we want to do. We are also keeping in mind that there may be more activities not planned, so we have decided to bring a little extra than the bare minimum.
After Steph talked to her about it a little bit, Elena has decided to move to the great, HOT state of Arizona to move in with her, in the middle of next year which will help her cut down the cost of flying to AZ for the trip. Elena sent in her paperwork for the correctional officer job, and should be hearing back from them soon with an appointment for an interview. Some of you are probably sketchy about her being so positive about getting the job, but her sister works there and is helping her out, and they also hire everyone. The mental and physical tests that occur after being hired determines her abilities. She has also decided to take a turn for the better and get her body healthy and in shape. She will be ready to climb mountains and run with Kota before no time, since Steph is so lazy. So everyone should send her good vibes, and motivation! She has ordered a few other state maps and road trip booklets to help her make a sweet journal/ itinerary for the trip. Steph also made a bomb countdown out of the back of an old frame, some paint, chalk and stickers.