Last night we realized that we forgot to post about Dakota! Dakota aka Kota, is a four year old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog mixed with some sort of hound based on her very "talkative" nature. She's about 65 pounds, which is small for a "swissy" which are usually about 100 pounds.I adopted her from the local shelter on September 8th after seeing her picture online for a few months. When my roommate and I went to check her out before I left for the weekend, she didn't seem very interested in either of us and I was a little disappointed. I thought about whether or not I should take the chance on getting a dog that didn't seem to particularly like me. When Monday came around and we went back to the shelter I had made my decision. I walked up to the counter, told them her kennel number and filled out her paperwork. Within an hour she was officially mine and renamed from "Fallon" to "Dakota".
Once she was out of the shelter she became a totally different dog. She was instantly happy and became attached to me within a few days. Now, she follows me around everywhere (even without a leash!) and she loves snuggling and sleeping all day. Tennis balls are her favorite toy and if you throw more than one she'll try to pick them all up at the same time. I recently found out that Dakota is also a great camping dog and will wander around the camp site as long as she can always see where I am. If she loses track of me, she actually starts looking around for me and gets all happy when she finds me. She also absolutely loves car rides and sticks her head out the window the whole time. I think she'll love going on this trip with us and she'll be even more mellowed out since she'll be six years old by then.
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